Friday Morning Guests
08 / 09 / 2024
6:12 Infomercial: = Caledonia County Fair / Ben Gates
6:20 Infomercial: = Wild Vermont Customs / Bob Yaroshevich
6:45 Infomercial: = Bear Ridge Speedway Race Report / Butch Elms & April May
7:00 NEWS = CBS World & National News
7:04 Infomercial = 4 Corner’s Farm / Charlie Gray
7:12 Infomercial: = Trendy Times / April Dyke
7:18 Infomercial: = Montshire Packing / Mark Boyden
7:30 Birthday & Anniversary Announcement
7:32 Infomercial: = Conversation with the Fairbanks Museum Meteoroligist
7:45 Infomercial: = Wells River Chevrolet / Ted Cooper
8:00 NEWS = CBS World & National News
8:04 Infomercial: = State Farm Insurance Agent / Brad Bailey
8:15 Infomercial: = Valley Floors / Ryan Chase
8:25 Infomercial: = North Haverhill Agway / Dana Huntington
8:30 Infomercial: = SAU 23 Superintendent / Dolores Fox
Subject to change and all times are approximate