6:12 = North Haverhill Fair / Gary Scruton
6:20 = Wild Vermont Customs / Bob Yaroshevich
6:45 = Bear Ridge Speedway Race Report w Butch & April
7:04 = 4 Corner’s Farm / Charlie Gray
7:10 = Trendy Times / April Dyke
7:15 = Erik’s Auto body & Upper Valley RV Erik White
7:30 = Birthday Show
7:35 = Hatchland Farm Fairbanks Museum Weather / Mark Breen
7:45 = Wells River Chevrolet / Ted Cooper
8:04 = Physical Therapy / Todd Holt
8:12 = Wells River Savings Your Good Neighbor Bank
Lisa Engel, Senior VP Retail, & Erica Calistro, Assistant Branch Manager
8:15 = Valley Floors / Ryan Chase
8:25 = North Haverhill Fair / Gary Scruton
8:35 = Cottage Hospital / Brandy Helm
Subject to change and all times are approximate